Friday, October 10, 2008

Finanical Crisis

The financial crisis is the top of everyone's agenda today. Here are a couple of ways the Library is working with you: Go to for a link to the CSU Libraries Resource Guide to the Financial Crisis. The Guide is well-organized and up-to-date. Find it under Hot Web Sites!

The Library is also offering a 4-part series on the Financial/Economic Crisis (Final Time and Dates TBA):
The Economic Crisis -- How did We Get Here? presented by Dr. Deepanker Basu, CSU Department of Economics. (Tentative: October 25, 2008)
The Bailout -- What is This? What is Happening to the Financial Community? presented by Dr. Ramaa Vasudevan, CSU Department of Economics. (Tentative: November 1, 2008)
How to Protect Your Family in Economic Tough Times presenting by Consumer Credit Counseling Service. (Tentative: November 8, 2008)
The Emotional Price We Are Paying. How to Cope presented by Dr. Carolyn Bartlett, Psychologist. (Tentative: November 15, 2008)

Also, read, read, read--Financial Times; Wall Street Journal, New York Times.
Check out your favorite investment websites. for up to the minute information:;;;;;; For a description of these, go to -- go to "quick guides."

Here's the best advice I've heard: If you have a home, keep it. If you have a job, keep it. Cut down on your spending. Clear up your credit cards.

Try to have a good weekend!

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