Monday, January 7, 2008

Small Business Resource Center

The Library District recently began an online subscription to the Thomson/Gale Small Business Resource Center. This database contains a wealth of information and resources for the new, growing or maturing small business or the budding entrepreneur. The resource center includes hundreds of sample business plans created by real-life entrepreneurs, as well as business plan "templates" that students and entrepreneurs can develop on their own. I'm especially excited about access to the Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns, which showcases advertising campaigns and marketing initiatives from some of the world's best-known companies -- from McDonald's to Merrill Lynch. The database also has access to hundreds of small business and industry journal articles, from Custom Home, Automotive Body Repair News, Family Business Review to Financial Management and The Tax Advisor. Go to: link to "Databases" then use the drop down box to Small Business Resource Center. You can also link through the Business and Investment database collections. Make sure you have your library card number ready--if you're working from your office or home, a popup will appear asking for your number.

Once you're in the database, for users not sure where to start, go directly to the "subject guide," or search "business topics," "business types," "sample business plans." Or, just go to the "How to..." link. Advanced searches are available based on document type, subject areas and publications.

This is just a great source for the small business owner or manager to access information they could not afford on their own, and have the opportunity to do it from your office or your home. You can get information on accounting, finance, human resource management, general management, marketing, tax and more.

So, keep the Fort Collins Library District's Small Business Resource Center database in mind when you need quick information, research or just to peruse you favorite industry and/ or small business journal.

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